Freddie Mercury’s favourite songs from every albums

While Freddie Mercury, the iconic frontman of Queen, never explicitly listed his all-time favorite songs, his eclectic taste in music is well-documented. Mercury drew inspiration from various genres, showcasing a broad spectrum of musical influences. Here’s a glimpse into the diverse array of songs that likely resonated with the legendary artist:

1. **The Beatles – “Hey Jude”**
Mercury admired The Beatles, and “Hey Jude” with its anthemic quality and innovative structure could have been a favorite.

2. **Jimi Hendrix – “Voodoo Child (Slight Return)”**
Hendrix’s electrifying guitar work and innovative approach align with Mercury’s own boundary-pushing style.

3. **Aretha Franklin – “Respect”**
As a singer, Mercury appreciated powerful voices, and Aretha Franklin’s soulful anthem “Respect” is a timeless classic.

4. **Led Zeppelin – “Whole Lotta Love”**
The dynamic energy and experimental nature of Led Zeppelin’s music likely appealed to Mercury’s artistic sensibilities.

5. **Elvis Presley – “Jailhouse Rock”**
Mercury, known for his flamboyant stage presence, might have admired the King of Rock and Roll’s charisma in this iconic track.

6. **David Bowie – “Space Oddity”**
A close friend and collaborator, David Bowie’s “Space Oddity” reflects Mercury’s own fascination with the cosmic and theatrical.

7. **Michael Jackson – “Billie Jean”**
Mercury and Jackson had mutual respect. “Billie Jean,” with its infectious groove, could have been a favorite.

8. **Queen – “Bohemian Rhapsody”**
It’s inevitable that one of Mercury’s favorites would be a Queen song. The operatic masterpiece “Bohemian Rhapsody” showcases his genius.

9. **Montserrat Caballé and Freddie Mercury – “Barcelona”**
A departure from rock, this collaboration with Caballé demonstrates Mercury’s versatility and love for operatic elements.

10. **The Rolling Stones – “Paint It Black”**
The Stones’ dark and intense “Paint It Black” might have resonated with Mercury’s penchant for dramatic expression.

While these selections provide a glimpse into Freddie Mercury’s diverse musical taste, it’s important to note that his favorites may have evolved over time. His musical legacy lives on through the timeless and genre-defying music he created with Queen.

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